If you have ever tried screen-printing, you will know how highly techinical the process is and screen-printing perfection is often a very time consuming process. Each colour is printed separately so every print must be positioned with perfect registration under the screen. The ink must be of the correct consistancy, even pressure applied during it’s application all to create perfect deffinition of line (fine lines being even more tricky). As with traditional painting, artists have the option to mix their own inks to create the perfect pallete.
This collection of screen prints recently arrived in from Martin Nelson, is an example of how precise a print master can be with line and colour and of how the tiniest variation of tone and curve can create a print which is both bold and detail oriented. Each of these prints is a visual game, reminicent of Op Art, they create a sensation of impossible seeming 3 Dimensions forms that will hault you in your tracks and draw you in.
Have an awe-filled wonder through our selection of Screenprints available online here, and see Martin Nelson’s full range of prints here.