Punchy Pins and Tasty Tats – Brand spanking new pins by Veronica Dearly have arrived and they certainly pack a cheeky punch. Together with Sarah Ray‘s Temporary Tattoos we are expressing ourselves in quality, quirky, style this July at The Red Door Gallery!
The Sleep Appreciation Society pin. We all know someone who can sleep the day away, or maybe it’s you that often dwells in the land of nod? There is a mighty amount of importance to be found in sleep, whether it’s inspiring dreams or replenishing beauty… Show your appreciation for a good snooze!
The To Do pin. Tough love in the form of an enamel pin. Think we’d all better do as it says! Unless you already are Incredible, in which case you can be extra Incredible by reminding everyone else to be Incredible too!
For the little bit weird among us – the Keep It Creepy pin. It’s a tough ask to keep the right amount of creepy creepin’ on a daily basis! This pin will give you that extra boost using its little bat wings…
The very literal Positive Sign pin is all you need to keep in high spirits. Simple and straight forward it gets the job done, no strings attatched – just pins attatched!
For an alternative form of expression, why not give Sarah Ray’s Temporary Tattoos a try? She has taken her signature illustration style to a whole other level with these joyfully, quirky tats. Don’t use them all at once… or maybe do? It’s up you! 🙂