#SaturdaySuperstars featuring #susiewright #tommyperman

Jun 7, 2014 | Blog











Our Saturday Superstars feature some great home grown Edinburgh Talent!!

We are thrilled to anounce that Susie Wright has release a few more copies of Mineral Stag from her private collection.

Get them fast before they’re no longer available! Its a stunning  14 colour screen print.


Also perfect for Dad this coming Fathers day are Tommy Perman’s Skateboards, a collaboration he did with local skateshop Focus. Perfect for your walls or add some wheels and off you go.

There are 3 designs in the range, Glasgow Bath Street (pictured), Leith Stairs and North Leith Mill. All areas frequented by Skateboarders.

These are limited edition of 50.


All work is available in our gallery on Victoria Street.  Stop by over this sunny weekend and see our ever expanding collection of Art work and Accessories.

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