For an dash of free fun on Father’s day, why not enter our Illustration Compeition?
1) Choose a part of a bicycle that you can cleverly substitute for an every-day object to represent it (you can use Rebecca Kaye’s “Compendium” print for inspiration!)
2) Draw your idea on a piece of card 5 inches x 2.5 inches (12.5cm x 6.25 cm)
3) Take a photo of your design and tweet it to @RedDoor_Gallery, Post it on The Red Door Gallery Facebook Page or tag RedDoor_Gallery on Instagram #SpokeCardComp.
4) Our resident artist ‘Rebecca Kaye’ will pick a winner to be announced via our twitter and facebook pages
5) The Prize – a copy of Rebecca Kaye’s ‘Compendium’ print
Like our The Red Door Gallery facebook page or follow us on ‘@RedDoor_Gallery’ on twitter to find out if you’re the lucky winner.
When you are all finished, use the card on your bike as a spoke card!
Above you can see some previous entrants to this competition which we ran in May – think you can do any better?
Above, from left to right you can see:
1. A Bike Bell / Door Bell
2. A Bike Frame / Picture Frame
3. A Front Wheel Bike Fork / A Fork You Eat With (if your house trained)
4. A Bike Chain Cassette / A Tape Casette You Listen To Music With (if your old enough to know how)
5. A Bike Handle Bar / A Handle Bar Moustache
6. Seat / Amazing Seat
7. A Banna – Fuel for the cyclist / Petrol Pump – Fuel for automobiles
8. Pump / Pump
9. Headset / Headset
10. Lamp / Lamp
Happy doodling and Happy Father’s Day to all of your Dad’s.