Sep 5, 2011 | Blog

We have had a roaring Edinburgh Festival over the last month, and as it draws to a close with the traditional fireworks display last weekend, we will be especially sad to see Astrid Jaekel’s beautiful paper cut out installation come down.  It has really brightened up the disused India Buildings at the top of our bustling Victoria Street, and we hope someone moves in quickly to bring life back to the elegant facade.

Astrid’s installation is titled The Curtain Twitchers and features portraits of some of our Senior Citizens peeping out onto the chaotic festival streets.  These pieces are entirely hand cut, with tissue paper added for colour.  Astrid also created some smaller versions which have been featured in our windows over the last month.  A kind of little sister series which are plain black cutouts designed to have any colour slipped in behind.  These beautiful, original artworks are just £55 and will available through The Red Door Gallery online and in our Bricks and Mortar Shop.  There is a post card pack of the series, if you fancy something a little smaller for just £5.

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